Theresa Crossland
Theresa Crossland has been an active member of the Search and Rescue Community since 2004. She currently responds to missing person searches as an operational member of Tidewater Search and Rescue (TSAR) and the Search and Rescue Tracking Institute (SARTI). Theresa has served as the Operations and Public Information Officers of TSAR over the last 5 years. She is a SARTI Operational Tracker and the organization's Virginia Search & Rescue Council (VaSARCo) representative.
Theresa began by completing basic Search and Rescue training, but discovered her true passion - tracking - in 2006. Over the last few years she has completed the Field Team Signcutter, Field Team Leader and Management team training as well as Joel Hardin Professional Tracking Services training. Theresa has served on the Tracking Training Committees for both TSAR and SARTI since 2009 and is the co-chairperson for the Virginia Tracking Standards Development Committee.
Since joining the SAR community Theresa has participated in over 30 searches across Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. She has been training others in SAR and Tracking since 2009 and is currently a Field Team Signcutter Assistant Instructor and a Lost Person Behavior Trainer for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management SAR Program.